• Fresh Grace Shall Still Suffice for Me
    The past no longer in my power;The future, who shall live to see?Mine only is the present hour,Lent to be all laid out for thee,Now, Saviour, with thy grace endowed,Now let me serve and please my God. Why should I ask the future loadTo aggravate my present care?Strong in the grace to-day bestowedThe evil of to-day I bear;And if to-morrow’s care I see,Fresh grace shall still suffice for me. Matthew 6:34   Hymn 835, from A… Read more: Fresh Grace Shall Still Suffice for Me
  • Warning Lights
      Friends, Our family recently returned home from a much-needed time away on vacation. While skimming across our country’s interstates our car chimed and flashed a TPMS warning light. TMPS is “Tire Pressure Monitoring System.” At that moment, while I watched the little light flash, the steering wheel began to vibrate. The combined inputs into my neural pathways meant only one thing. I needed to get off the road quickly and check things out. Just… Read more: Warning Lights
  • Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
    Come, O Thou Traveler UnknownCharles Wesley Come, O thou Traveller unknown,Whom still I hold, but cannot see!My company before is gone,And I am left alone with Thee;With Thee all night I mean to stay,And wrestle till the break of day. I need not tell Thee who I am,My misery and sin declare;Thyself hast called me by my name,Look on Thy hands, and read it there;But who, I ask Thee, who art Thou?Tell me Thy name,… Read more: Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
  • One Group’s Attempt to Live Like Jesus
    Friends, Last week I started reading Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution, Updated and Expanded: Living as an Ordinary Radical. I started the book after hearing another pastor speak of reading the book and how it has been transformative for him. The book is an early memoir of a community that has sought to live the words of Jesus.  “If you find yourself climbing the ladder of success, be careful or else on your way… Read more: One Group’s Attempt to Live Like Jesus
  • Going on a Journey
    Dear Friends, What if I told you that in roughly six weeks you are going to get to take a much-needed vacation to another country (bear with me, we are just going to pretend we are not in the midst of a global pandemic)? Where are you going? Let’s pick someplace warm and sunny. How about Iceland? Okay, I know that doesn’t sound warm, but the people there have warm dispositions. You have six weeks… Read more: Going on a Journey