the mission launchesThe Milk Can returns! After a needed break we are back. In 1 Corinthians Paul says some things are spiritual milk and other things spiritual meat. The Milk Can remains a quirky look at life and an encouragement for your week.



As Christians, our calling is to live as Jesus lived demonstrating and proclaiming that the Kingdom of God has come and is coming. God is always making things new. We are engaged in the mission to alert the world to the rule and reign of God through Christ. Therefore,

  • We feed the hungry because in the world to come there will be no starvation.
  • We release the captive because in the world to come there will be no prisoner.
  • We give sight to the blind because in the world to come there will be no blindness.
  • We welcome the stranger because in the world to come there will be no strangers, no one unwelcome.
  • We mourn with those who mourn because in the world to come there will be no more sadness and grief.
  • We call for justice because in the world that is to come there is no injustice.
  • We share Christ because in the world to come there will be no unbelief.
  • We speak hope to those who have no hope because in the kingdom to come there will be no hopelessness.
  • We are pro-life, in every way, because in the kingdom to come there will be no death.
  • We are generous because in the world to come there will be no shortages.
  • We celebrate different languages spoken because in the world to come all languages will be spoken around the throne.
  • We love because in the world that is to come there is no one unloved.

The challenge for each one of us is to ask, in my job, how can I alert the world to the rule and reign of Christ? What would it look like for a person doing my job to demonstrate the rule and reign of God through Jesus?
